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Knowledge Translation on Policy Series
(January-March 2024) 

About the Co-Lab in Knowledge Translation to Policy Series: 

The Co-Lab in Knowledge Translation to Policy Series is developed by the McGill University ParKT Co-Lab (Participation and Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disability Collaborative). The ParKT Co-Lab conducts participatory research with children and youth with disabilities and everyone around them: families, communities, educators, healthcare providers, and decision-makers. Run by Dr. Keiko Shikako (PhD, OT/erg.), the ParKT Co-Lab uses multidisciplinary research approaches to improve youth engagement in research and policy by working with communities to inform systems and policy transformation and foster the development of healthy communities where everybody has their Human Rights respected.


About the activities:


1) The Journal Club: During the monthly student/trainee-led journal club, participants will review current research around knowledge translation and how research can inform public policy.


2) The Co-Lab in Knowledge Translation to Policy Series Workshops: During the Co-Lab in Knowledge Translation to Policy Series, participants will learn about the conceptual underpinnings of knowledge translation, its processes and application to current policy contexts. They will learn about the use of research evidence to inform policymaking relevant to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities. Trainees will also learn about knowledge translation products and how to develop them.


* All activities will be held virtually via Zoom.

Upcoming Activities

To register for all or any of these sessions 

To volunteer to facilitate a Journal Club session 

To learn more, download our brochure.

Also, make sure to visit this page regularly to learn about which sessions will be offered next!

ParKT Co-Lab in
Knowledge Translation to Policy Team

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